IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEWTON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA ANDRIA ISOM MORGAN Plaintiff, v ROBIN MORGAN Defendant, ACTION NO. 2023-CV-1044-2 NOTICE OF SUMMONS SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO: ROBIN MORGAN 4094 IDLEWOOD PA TUCKER GA 30087 By order of the Court for service by publication dated DECEMBER 19 2024, you are hereby notified that on MAY 5 2023 (date of filing), ANDRIA ISOM MORGAN (plaintiff) filed suit against you for DIVORCE. You are required to file with the clerk of the Superior Court, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Newton County and to serve a copy of the answer upon the plaintiff (if pro se) or upon the plaintiff's attorney (if represented). Witness, the Honorable G.KEVIN MARRIS Judge of the Superior Court of Newton County This the 19TH day of DECEMBER 2024 PUBLIC NOTICE #701617 12/29,1/5,12,19